Hamas: The occupation poses the greatest threat to the region's nations.On Tuesday night, the spokesman for Hamas, Hazem Qassem, stated that "the threats of the Israeli occupation leaders to attack the countries of the region confirm that the enemy is the threat factor and poses a real danger to the Arab and Islamic nation."

On Tuesday night, the spokesman for Hamas, Hazem Qassem, stated that “the threats of the Israeli occupation leaders to attack the countries of the region confirm that the enemy is the threat factor and poses a real danger to the Arab and Islamic nation.”

In a press release, Qassem stated that the repeated threats coming from all sides represent terrorist behavior and reflect the occupation’s state of dread and worry as a result of the emergence of the resistance forces’ military prowess in the area.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, claimed earlier today that “Israel” always shocks Iran and will surprise all of its adversaries. On the other side, an Iranian official issued a warning that attacking his nation’s nuclear facilities would result in the start of a global conflict for which “Israel” would be held liable.

In an address to the Herzliya Conference for Political and Strategic Studies, the Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, claimed that Iran has advanced in uranium enrichment to an unprecedented degree. He also emphasized that Israel has the capability to strike Iran and what it is doing to work around it.

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