The Palestine Scholars Association writes to the Muslim world with a plea.Following the meeting of the Zionist administration in the hallowed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the defilement of its ministers to its size, the Association of Palestinian Scholars issued a call to the Islamic Ummah.

Following the meeting of the Zionist administration in the hallowed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the defilement of its ministers to its size, the Association of Palestinian Scholars issued a call to the Islamic Ummah.

The Commission encouraged the Islamic nation to mobilize in defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in view of Israel’s crime and aggression against it, as well as its pollution and Judaization, in its plea, a copy of which was received by Safa Agency tonight.

The appeal’s text as it was delivered to us by the authority is as follows:

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and all those who will follow them until the Day of Judgement. Even so:

May God’s blessings and peace be with you, O Muhammad’s followers and Nation:

Zionist tyranny has advanced significantly, and the occupation has left behind an ugly, ugly visage. He did not respect the dignity of a Muslim in this country and ignored any Muslim sentiments. The Zionist administration met in the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque, while its criminal minister strolled the mosque’s courtyards and offered his Talmudic prayers with obnoxious arrogance.

O people of Israel and Muhammad:

It is an insult to every Muslim in our country rather than a typical act of aggression. visit the Al Aqsa Mosque He has been blessed by Us so that We may reveal to him Our signs. He truly is All-Hearing and All-Seeing. Al-Isra: One?

Is it not the third mosque that nobody visits, except it? He is pleading with you to bring him your jihad, your triumph, your suffering, your gifts, your sacrifices, and your blood today.

The Nation of Islam:

Today is not the time to place blame or assign blame, and the situation does not call for denouncing, denouncing, condemning, and denouncing. Instead, it is a day of labor, assistance, and sacrifice; let it be an open war that targets every usurping occupier throughout the world, in remembrance of the Prophet, may God grant him peace, and as a deterrent to this occupation that did not and does not speak a single language; that of jihad for the glory of God Almighty.

O children of our beautiful country:

One day after the Arab summit, which stated that Palestine will continue to be its top concern, this barbaric invasion occurred. Where then is this university, and where are its leaders coming from to perpetrate this affront to their entire dignity?

Aren’t the leaders embarrassed when they claim that Jerusalem is their cause while remaining motionless in the face of an attack on the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque?

Don’t be distracted by this inaction and abandonment, O people of our nation; instead, speak up and express your rage in all public forums, shaking the complacent under their feet and compelling them to take decisive action in support of your extremists and the path of your Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

O children of our mighty country:

Don’t accept that the situation is one of elegies and weeping; instead, adopt a jihadi mentality and use all the resources at your disposal to demonstrate to God what is in your best interests. Today is the day for mobilization in all areas and by all means.

“Go forth, light and heavy, and struggle with your possessions and lives in the way of God,” the Almighty said. You would benefit more from that if you only knew. Confession: 41

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