 Qatar applauds the Gaza cease-fire.The Gaza Strip's Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance forces reached a cease-fire, which was warmly hailed by Qatar's foreign ministry.

The Gaza Strip’s Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance forces reached a cease-fire, which was warmly hailed by Qatar’s foreign ministry.

When a cease-fire was reached through Egypt’s mediation, the Qatari Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman, and his Egyptian colleague, Sameh Shoukry, spoke over the phone.

In the conversation, the Qatari prime minister and foreign minister voiced “Qatar’s condemnation of the Israeli bombardment of civilian facilities and homes in Gaza and its welcome to the ceasefire agreement that was reached.”

The recent escalation in the Palestinian territories and Egypt’s attempts to maintain peace were discussed during the discussion, according to the Qatar News Agency. They also reviewed their bilateral cooperation connections.

With Egyptian mediation, a cease-fire deal between the Islamic Jihad movement, the resistance groups, and the occupation went into effect at 10 o’clock yesterday, Saturday.

 After assassinating three members of the Military Council of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Jihad Movement, Israel launched a five-day offensive against the Gaza Strip. The Joint Operations Room of the Resistance provided the Brigades with full support, coordination, and administration as they replied to it by directing hundreds of missiles at the villages of the cover bordering the Strip as well as the occupied towns and cities.

33 victims, including six Al-Quds Brigade leaders, died as a result of the Israeli attack, along with more than 160 civilians being hurt and more than 25 homes being demolished.

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