
While the Israeli army kills a teen in Jericho, settlers and officials march toward Nablus to demand that the outpost be made legitimate.

In response to a settler march to an illegal outpost close to the occupied city of Nablus, Israeli troops killed a Palestinian child at the Aqabet Jaber refugee camp in Jericho.

On Monday, 15-year-old Mohammad Fayez Balhan was shot in the head, chest, and stomach.
According to the teen’s aunt Maysoon, “They shot him in the head.” “What will become of our people? What will transpire?

The Israeli military claimed that its forces had responded after being fired upon by the suspects while operating in the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho in an effort to capture Palestinians it suspected of carrying out attacks against Israelis.

Slave march
The event occurs while the Israeli army protects tens of thousands of Israeli settlers marching to the deserted outpost of Evyatar to demand that the Israeli government legalize the outpost and to “denounce the escalating attacks on settlements in recent weeks.”

According to medical officials on Monday, the mother of two Israeli sisters slain in one of these attacks last week passed away from her wounds.

Slave march
The event occurs while the Israeli army protects tens of thousands of Israeli settlers marching to the deserted outpost of Evyatar to demand that the Israeli government legalize the outpost and to “denounce the escalating attacks on settlements in recent weeks.”

According to medical officials on Monday, the mother of two Israeli sisters slain in one of these attacks last week passed away from her wounds.

Palestinians were barred from the march’s route by Israeli forces, who were heavily protecting thousands of settlers who were led by ministers in the far-right government of Israel. However, clashes were still reported, with at least two Palestinians suffering injuries from rubber-coated bullets and numerous others receiving medical attention for tear gas inhalation.

Palestinians attempted to block the march, which was held under a banner proclaiming that “all of the land of Israel” was the property of Jewish Israelis, with the settlers hinting that this included the occupied West Bank, according to Al Jazeera’s Samir Abu Shammala.

In addition, Abu Shammala noted that groups of settlers had started to depart the scene of the three-hour-long march seeking the legalization of the outpost after the Palestinians had set fire to tires and hurled stones.

According to Israeli sources, some 1,000 Israeli soldiers were sent to secure the settlers’ march, Abu Shammala said. “There is still a large deployment of Israeli soldiers,” he added.
the march “a hazardous escalation and provocation of the Palestinian people, and an extension of the inciting cries of the Israeli right and the fascist right to deepen settlement at the expense of Palestinian lands, and it has deadly ramifications on the situation in the arena of conflict”.

The ministry also stated that it is researching with legal professionals the best options to challenge the settlement process, including submitting a complaint to the relevant international tribunals as well as the UN Security Council, Human Rights Council, and the Permanent Commission of Investigation.

The march began at the Zaatara military checkpoint and headed northward through Bita, south of Nablus, towards the abandoned Evyatar outpost on Jabal Sabih.

On private Palestinian properties in Jabal Sabih, Israeli settlers built the illegitimate Evyatar settlement outpost last year. After months of Palestinian demonstrations, the Israeli authorities decided to remove it.

As a group of settlers invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound early on Monday while being protected by Israeli forces, emotions there remained high for the fifth straight day. Israeli security police had previously barred Palestinian worshippers under 50 from accessing Al-Aqsa Mosque to offer the dawn Fajr prayer.

Before opening them following the start of the prayer, the troops stepped up security at the Al-Aqsa gates.
After reviewing the situation with the Israeli army, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made the decision to deploy security reinforcements in the Tel Aviv region beginning on Monday.

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