The night before the flag procession A law is passed by the Israeli "Knesset" to forbid the hoisting of the Palestinian flag.The Knesset enacted a law in its first reading that forbids raising the Palestinian flag collectively, as well as disrupting demonstrations, making arrests, and sending protesters to prison if they do so.54 members of the Knesset voted in favor of the bill that "Almog Cohen" of the "Otzma Yehudit" party had submitted, while 16 members were against it.

A law is passed by the Israeli “Knesset” to forbid the hoisting of the Palestinian flag

 The Knesset enacted a law in its first reading that forbids raising the Palestinian flag collectively, as well as disrupting demonstrations, making arrests, and sending protesters to prison if they do so.54 members of the Knesset voted in favor of the bill that “Almog Cohen” of the “Otzma Yehudit” party had submitted, while 16 members were against it.

If the bill passes in all three readings, it forbids any stop or protest when at least three individuals raise the Palestinian flag or “enemy flags,” while also allowing for arrests and prison sentences to be imposed on anyone who does so.

The proposed rule forbids protests in which at least three people fly the Palestinian flag, levies a prison term of up to one year, and gives police the authority to disperse such protests and make arrests.

Due to the unprecedented Israeli alert, strict racist measures, and a state that suffocates and paralyzes Jerusalemites, the occupied city of Jerusalem, especially its old town, has transformed into a military barracks, a nightmare for its citizens, and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the eve of the Israeli “flags march”.

In order to protect the provocative march tomorrow, Thursday, despite worries of an explosion, the occupation police increased the level of readiness and alertness among its personnel and converted the Old City, the area around Damascus Gate, and the area around Al-Aqsa Mosque into a military barracks.

On the anniversary of the so-called “unification of Jerusalem”—that is the anniversary of the occupation of the eastern part of the city in 1967—the settlers’ march is organized every year. It is planned that roughly 3,000 personnel of the occupation police will take part in securing it.

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