In Wadi Salama, Galilee, a gunshot incident claimed the life of a young woman. Dima Osama Bushnaq, a young woman of 25 years old, was shot and killed on Sunday night in Wadi Salama, a town in northern occupied Palestine's Galilee region.

 Dima Osama Bushnaq, a young woman of 25 years old, was shot and killed on Sunday night in Wadi Salama, a town in northern occupied Palestine’s Galilee region.

The young woman was reportedly revived at Shunnaq and sent to Ziv Hospital in Safed, where she is still in critical condition; nevertheless, the occupation police later declared her dead. 

The victim was driving a private vehicle when the killer started chasing her. She tried to flee by driving the car backwards until it hit the wall of a house. The killer then crept up to the window of the car and shot the victim from a close range before fleeing, returning, and shooting her once more.

The young woman Dima Bushnaq’s death brings the total number of Palestinians slain in the occupied Palestinian territory to 70, and the total number of deaths caused by violence and criminality to 48.

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