"Resistance": Khader Adnan's martyrdom must have repercussions for the occupier. "Resistance": Khader Adnan's martyrdom must have repercussions for the occupier.

After Khader Adnan went on an 86-day hunger strike in Israeli occupation prisons, the resistance factions mourned his passing on Tuesday, stating that he “has risen to the footsteps of the criminal and racist Zionist policies practiced against our prisoners.”

In a statement that the “Safa” agency obtained from the factions, it was said that “the Zionist enemy is fully responsible for the crime of assassinating the captive leader Khader Adnan, and it must bear all the consequences of it.”

“The heroic prisoners are the crown of heads,” she emphasized, “and we will not leave them alone in the field.”

She also emphasized that “the promise of liberation made by the resistance is our duty that we will not abandon until we liberate them all.”

The resistance groups urged the Red Cross and other international organizations and bodies that work with prisoners to take responsibility for the criminal policies the occupation employs against our detainees and to make a sincere effort to stop the ongoing aggression, protect the detainees, and put an end to their suffering.

According to the statement, “Our people and the resistance in the occupied West Bank are called upon to escalate the confrontation and confrontation with the occupation in response to this heinous crime.”

Immediately following the noon prayer, the resistance factions called for a massive mass gathering in the Square of the Unknown Soldier, and they urged everyone to attend. They also called for everyone to attend the martyr’s funeral home in Al-Katiba Square, west of Gaza City, following the afternoon prayer.

Khader Adnan, a prominent prisoner of the Islamic Jihad Movement who embarked on a hunger strike to protest his unjust administrative detention, passed away today at daybreak, according to the Occupation Prisons Administration.

Adnan announced his open hunger strike on February 5th of last year, the day after the occupation forces broke into his home in Arraba and wreaked mayhem.

Khader Adnan, a martyred prisoner, engaged in five hunger strikes before being killed. The first one lasted 25 days in 2004. The second lasted 67 days in 2012; the third was 54 days in 2014; the fourth was 25 days in 2021; and the fifth was 86 days in 2023.

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