” فتح الانتفاضة”: مجزرة بيت لاهيا استمرار لحرب الإبادة الممنهجة ضد شعبنا
أدانت حركة فتح الإنتفاضة المجزرة التي ارتكبها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في بيت لاهيا، معتبراً اياها إمعانًا في حرب الإبادة الممنهجة ضد الشعب الفلسطيني. وأضافت الحركة في بيان لها أن هذه الجرائم، تؤكد بما لا يدع مجالاً للشك، بأن “حكومة الكيان النازية والمجرمة، لا تقيم وزناً للرأي العام الدولي ولا لحلفائها من المطبعين”. وأكدت أن إصرار […]
24,000 people have been displaced since the start of the aggression on Tulkarm and Nour Shams camps.
The Tulkarm Media Committee said that the number of people displaced from the Nur Shams and Tulkarm camps due to the ongoing Israeli aggression on the city and its two camps has exceeded 24,000, with more homes and neighborhoods in the two camps being evacuated. The displaced remain in shelters and towns throughout the city. […]
36 resistance operations in the West Bank within 48 hours
The Ma’ti Palestine Information Center reported on Friday evening that 36 resistance operations were recorded in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, within 48 hours. In a report monitored by Safa News Agency, Moati explained that the resistance activities varied between armed clashes, the detonation of Molotov cocktails, the outbreak of confrontations, and confrontations with settlers. […]