3 martyrs shot by the occupation forces in Tubas
The General Authority of Civil Affairs announced on Thursday that 3 young men were killed by Israeli occupation forces in Al-Far’a camp in Tubas Governorate in the occupied West Bank. The authority said in a brief statement received by Safa Agency that it had informed the Ministry of Health of the martyrdom of the three […]
قوات الاحتلال تشن حملة اعتقالات بالضفة
اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال عددا من المواطنين فجر الخميس، خلال اقتحامها مناطق متفرقة من محافظات الضفة الغربية المحتلة. واقتحمت قوات الاحتلال بلدة بيت لقيا جنوب غرب رام الله واعتقلت المحلل السياسي نجيب مفارجه بعد مداهمة منزله وتفتيشه، والمواطن حمزة موسى. وأقدم الجنود على تفتيش المنازل والعبث بمحتوياتها وتخريبها وصادرت مركبات. واقتحم الاحتلال قرية ترمسعيا شمال رام […]
232 organizations call for halting all supplies of weapons and spare parts to “Israel”
232 non-governmental organizations active in countries participating in the US F-35 aircraft manufacturing program called for a halt to all supplies of weapons and spare parts to Israel. These organizations issued a joint statement, in which they confirmed Israel’s violation of international law and human rights in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The […]